This section has been compiled to meet the needs of our clients who can answer YES to the following questions:-
Do you spend a considerable sum on agencies each year?
Do you feel you should be getting some benefits from your buying power?
Would you like to have better control over which agency your company uses?
Would you like tighter control over the rates you are paying?
Have you found trying to set up an agency agreement a time consuming headache?
If you can answer yes to the above questions, you should read on……..
Many building contractors (clients) see how much money they spend with agencies and consider there must be large savings to be achieved by setting up an agreement. Contractors often then set off on the path of trying to set up an agreement and are disappointed by the percentage savings on offer and do not feel the trouble of setting up an agreement is really worthwhile. The vast majority of the monies an agency charges represents the workers wages, employers NI, holiday pay etc. The agency’s gross margin as a percentage of the charge rate can be lower than 10%. This being the case a 1% discount would represent over 10% of the agency’s gross margin.
The following sets out an easy to use labour agreement. The agreement will offer the best genuine savings available, without the client to undertake the onerous task of setting up their own agency agreement.
The benefits to the client of an agreement with BRS Ltd
The benefits to BRS Ltd